

Monthly Winner for January 2021

By Competitions, News

Congrats to our January Winner – Lauriann wins a $500 Bunnings voucher! We appreciate your feedback, that’s why each month we give our customers who have recently settled a loan the chance to go in the competition to win a small thank-you gift. This month’s winner is Lauriann, and she’s…

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Monthly Winner for July 2018

By Competitions, News

We appreciate your feedback, that’s why each month we give our customers who have recently settled a loan the chance to go in the competition to win a small thank you gift. This month’s winner is Adam, and he has won a $500 Bunnings voucher. Congratulations Adam!

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Monthly Winner for June 2018

By Competitions, News

We appreciate your feedback, that’s why each month we give our customers who have recently settled a loan the chance to go in the competition to win a small thank you gift. This month’s winner is Paul, and he has won a $500 Bunnings voucher. Congratulations Paul!

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